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Welcome 歡迎 !

This webiste is a repository of history and information related to our family.  It started out as a project of exploration of history and family tree information.  As we gained knowledge and insight we thought it would be nice to have a means for easy access and availabilty of the information.  The purpose of this website is to provide knowledge and historical reference for the current and future generations of our family. 

這網站是我們大家庭的一個歷史和信息存儲庫。 它最初是一個探索歷史的項目和家譜信 息。 隨著我們獲得知識和見識時, 我們想象這樣可以容易的獲取信息和知識的方法。本 網站的目的是為我們家庭的後代提供知識和歷史參考。

Family Trees 家譜

The Choy Family Tree was a project that started out as an exploration of our great great grandfather's journey and experience in the United States in the eigthteen hundreds.  Leo Choy (Founder of LC General Engineering and Construction, Inc.) has done extensive research of our great great grandfather's experience and life in the United States.  When he started his research, he also thought of and proposed the idea of the family tree.

The Choy Family Tree was developed with an initial version that surpassed many design and implementation challenges, but it was simple and limited in scope.   There were additional challenges to overcome, but in order to improve security, expandability, and usability, and in providing for tree context flexibility and inclusion of history, a complete redesign of this website was necessary.   The history information is credited to the work and research of Leo Choy (please log in and see the "History" menu pulldown or read about the Golden Spike Ceremony in "VGallery/Discussion").

After completing the Choy Family Tree, we worked on providing additional related family trees.  As there are challenges in that regards as well, there are currently only two family trees that you could visit.  To see them, please log in via the "Sign In" button at the top right corner of the page, and see the family trees that are available to view.

蔡氏家譜的開始是在當探索我們的曾曾祖父在美國的經歷時想辦的。當時,蔡國樑 (LC General Engineering and Construction, Inc. 創始人)對我們的曾曾祖父在十八世紀來到美國時的 經歷和生活進行了廣泛的研究狀態。 在他開始研究的時候,他也考慮到並且提出關於建造這家譜。

這蔡氏家譜的初始版本超越了許多設計和實施方面的困難,完成它是一項巨大的成就, 但那初版是簡單並且有限。 去完全重新設計新的一個家譜網站需要克服更加多的困難,但為了提高安全性、可擴展性和可用性,以及 在提供樹上下文的靈活性和包含歷史的過程中,我們完全重新設計了這個網站。 大部分的歷史信息歸功於 蔡國樑的工作和研究。(請登錄並查看 “History” menu 拉下或觀看 “VGallery/Discussion” 中的儀式)。

完成了蔡氏家譜後,我們致力於添加額外的家譜。因為有其他的問題,目前只有兩個家譜 你可以參觀。要查看它們,請到右上角的“登入”去看可供查看的家譜。